Monday, September 10, 2012

The Importance of "Planning" Among the Cells

When we look at the development of the embryo, we see that it shows a high degree of proportion and harmony. At the end of the first month, fully developed eyes, ears, nose, chin and cheeks become visible.

O man! What has deluded you in respect of your Noble Lord Who created you and gave you an upright form and proportioned you? In whatever shape He willed, has He moulded you. (Qur'an, 82: 6-8)

In the course of this harmonious development it is very important that growth and structural change are ensured. It is necessary that these changes occur in the same way for all parts of the body, because all the organs of the human body have a highly complex structure. For example, the eye alone has 40 different parts. In order for the eye to be able to perform its function, it is necessary that the growth of these parts be proportionate, the connections between the parts be sound and that every part be in its own place. Otherwise, the eye could not perform its function. In the same way, in the formation of the arm, the bones and muscles must begin their formation at the same time.
As can be understood from this, all the cells of the embryo act in harmony. Every one of them is aware of the general plan of the body. Every one of them sends a number of messages and reacts to messages coming from other cells. All the cells in the embryo act together; with real understanding, each one different from the other, they use what is required in the information contained in the DNA as needed.
It is God Who Creates the Body From a Piece of Flesh

1. Embryo’s forehead begins to form
2. Formation of the nose
3. Formation of the jawbone
4. Formation of the mandible
5. Day 28
6. Day 34
7. Day 40
8. Day 45
9. Day 50
10. Day 60
Before it begins to develop, the embryo resembles a mass of flesh. The eyes, ears, heart and other organs develop and a brand new person comes into being. Above we can see the series of developments that occur in the formation of the human face. Every human being on the face of the earth has undergone these stages. As a collection of cells unaware of its own existence, a human being continues through this development in a protected and secure environment prepared in the mother's womb. The symmetrical eyes, the eyebrows, nose, mouth, and the protective skin are all formed in the mother's body. These wondrous transformations seen in the picture above are a proof of the creative art of God. It is the duty of every person in the world to consider this truth and give thanks to God.
But how do the cells know where to go and what to do? How can they act in such harmony together with other cells? Who decides how to use the genetic material contained in the cells and how will the cells differentiate between one and another?
In the organs of our bodies there must be no deficiency or excess. A deficiency in an organ is sometimes fatal; at least it causes some disability. An excess places an unnecessary burden on the body. In that case, first it is necessary to determine the number of organs that the body needs. How is this number determined? How is it that when a group of cells begins to make an organ, another group of cells is not making a second, exactly similar organ?
Evolutionists try to avoid this issue by saying that the DNA molecule is responsible for all these functions, but this is only a deception.         The basic point to consider here is this: who placed all the information in the DNA molecule of every cell of the body? Moreover, who decided where, when and how this information is to be used? To these questions the evolutionists can give no answer.
Cells formed from unconscious and lifeless atoms, blood vessels, tissues, air, wind, or any other material thing, have no power to make such a decision. It is God Who imprinted this marvellous plan in the DNA and it is God Who ensures the perfect realization of this plan by inspiring the cells to do what they must. God has power over all things.
The Marvellous Creation of the Eye
In the fourth week, two cavities are formed on either side of the embryo's head. It is hard to believe, but the eyes will be formed in these cavities beginning in the sixth week. For months the cells work according to an incredible plan, forming the various parts of the eye one by one. Some cells make the cornea, some make the pupil and others make the lens. When a part that a particular cell constructs is completed, the cell ceases to work. Each cell makes a different part of the eye; afterwards, they unite with one another in a marvellous way. There is no error in the process; nothing else takes the place of the pupil, and the cornea, eye muscles, and every other element is in place. These operations continue and the eye is perfectly formed with its various layers.
Here we must ask ourselves a few questions: How do these cells know that they must construct different layers? How do they decide where to begin and end the construction of each layer? To these questions there is only one answer: The cells are able to perform this conscious activity because they move under the inspiration of God. But evolutionists who try to explain the formation of a human being by the operations of chance cannot give an answer to these questions.
1. Developing Brain
2. Ectoderm
3. Optic Sac
4. Optic Stem
5. Eye Socket
6. Developing Lens
7. Developing Retina
8. Developing Eyelash
9. Lens
10. Developing Cornea
11. Developing Optic Nerves

The formation of the eye in the embryo is briefly as above. A projecting part develops from the forebrain. There form inward evaginations where this hollow reaches the outermost layer of the embryo (ectoderm). From these evaginations, called optic vesicles, will emerge the eyes.

One evolutionist who explained the perfect plan in the human body was Hoimar von Ditfurth. In his book, Im Anfang War Der Wasserstoff (In the Beginning was Hydrogen), he explained the formation of a human being in detail, but he confessed that the theory of evolution could never give an answer to the questions "how" or "why":

The will that transforms a dark point-like object into coloured, pleasing eyes that can register three dimensions is God, the Possessor of everything.

If there is no plan to determine where and when the construction will begin and in what sequence each of its components will be put into operation, that plan will be useless, even if it is excellent in other respects. We know that we must start constructing this building from the foundation up and after we finish the walls we put on the roof. But before the electrical and water installations are completed, we cannot go on to the plastering. Along with a blueprint that is followed exactly in every construction, there is also a right time to do it.
This is also valid for natural constructions and especially for cells. But we know almost nothing about how this "before and after" relationship occurs in the organization of a cell. Biologists have not yet been able to find out who tells a cell what part of the plan it has to put into effect and when. Who gives the command that hinders the operation of some genes at just the right time, how an embargo on some genes is removed, and who sets suppressor-genes and enhancer genes into action? These are questions about which we are completely in the dark.1
In the formation of the eye, "the world's finest camera", we have seen that unconscious cells act with the utmost awareness, creating the eye in the mother's body from nothing. Certainly, it is not the cells themselves that succeed in doing this extraordinary thing: they act under the inspiration of the Almighty God. In the Qur'an, God reveals that He gives human beings their form:
He is God—the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise.  (Qur'an, 59: 24)
1- Hoimar von Ditfurth, Im Anfang War Der Wasserstoff (In the Beginning was Hydrogen), pp. 129-130
The Wrapping of Muscles Over the Bones
Until very recently, embryologists assumed that the bones and muscles in an embryo developed at the same time. Yet, recent research has revealed a very different fact which had gone unrecognised by man. First, the cartilage tissue of the embryo ossifies. Then muscular cells that are selected from amongst the tissue around the bones come together and wrap around the bones.
This fact, which has recently been discovered by science, was related to man in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago:
Then We formed the drop into an alaq (embryo) and formed alaq into a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones in flesh thus bringing forth another creature. Blessed be God, the Best of Creators! (Qur'an, 23: 14)
This event, of which the Qur'an informed us 1,400 years ago, is thus described in a scientific publication titled Developing Human:
The shape of the skeleton determines the general appearance of the embryo in the bones stage during the 7th week; muscles do not develop at the same time but their development follows around the bones throughout the body and therefore clothe the bones. Thus the muscles take their well known forms and structures.44
In short, man's developmental stages as described in the Qur'an are in perfect harmony with the findings of modern embryology. God, the Lord of all the worlds, had given this information to man centuries ago.

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